TTRPG: The Sundering:
The Characters
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The Sundering is set in a domain called The Zwari Nation, itself an island ripped off the side of a continent and dropped on to a different world. There are many varied personalities who inhabit the Nation. Here is a sampling, with more to come in the upcoming sequel NPC compendium, The Sundering: It's Nation Time.
• Adventurer: Jaith Kuduri
• Adventurer: Smokeshow
• Adventurer: Jalani Xavier
• Adventurer: Sir Kyle F'yrae Hunter
• Personality: Tamayshia Venn
• Personality: Dahven Nightsbane
• Personality: Lady Lonshae Veldrac
• Threat: Zyca
The Sundering is an insultingly inclusive fantasy world with intricate politics, economics and of course adventure. One of the very few Black-owned offerings in the Fifth Edition TTRPG space, this work was created by Hannibal Tabu and Damion Poitier and published by Laguna Studios.
Artwork by Moonie and Quinn McGowan.