TTRPG: The Sundering:
Characters: Sir Kyle F'yrae Hunter

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The Sundering is set in a domain called The Zwari Nation, itself an island ripped off the side of a continent and dropped on to a different world. There are many varied personalities who inhabit the Nation. Here is a sampling, with more to come in the upcoming sequel NPC compendium, The Sundering: It's Nation Time.

DESIGNATION: Adventurer ("The Black Knight of The Sword")
RACE: Human.
HIT POINTS: 94 (10d10+40)
ARMOR CLASS: 17 (breastplate)
SPEED: 30 ft.
ABILITY SCORES: STR 16, DEX 15, CON 13, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 14
SAVING THROWS: STR +7, DEX +2, CON +5, INT +2, WIS +0, CHA +2
SKILLS: Acrobatics +2, Animal Handling +4, Arcana +2, Athletics +7, Deception +2, History +2, Insight +0, Intimidation +2, Investigation +2, Medicine +0, Nature +0, Perception +4, Performance +2, Persuasion +6, Religion +0, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Survival +0
SENSES: passive perception 14
WAR MAGIC: Sir Kyle is a 10th level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The following list represents Sir Kyle’s known spells:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage
hand, true strike
1st-level (4 slots): expeditious retreat, jump, magic missile, shield
2nd-level (3 slots): misty step, see invisibility, spider climb
EQUIPMENT: Navingar (longsword), Rhaedynal (longsword)
EXTRA ATTACK: Sir Kyle attacks twice when using the Attack action.
NAVINGAR: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit. Range 5 ft. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) magic slashing damage. While attuned to this weapon, Sir Kyle has darkvision to 60 feet.
RHAEDYNAL: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit. Range 5 ft. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) magic slashing damage plus 1d6 fire damage.
GUARDIAN VIGILANCE (reaction): If a foe within reach attacks an ally adjacent to Sir Kyle, he may use his reaction to make an opportunity attack against the enemy.
DUAL WIELDER (bonus action): Sir Kyle may make a single additional melee weapon attack with either hand.
WAR WIZARD: After using his action to cast a cantrip, Sir Kyle may make a single melee weapon attack.
LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Primordial
BACKSTORY: The Black Knight of the Sword and his home, Nightfyre Castle, originated in a world called Chrusion. Six months ago, as most of the castle’s garrison was afield fighting another of the king’s wars, the ground shook and the sky flashed and the formerly landlocked Nightfyre Castle found itself on a cliff overlooking a thousand-foot drop into a tumultuous ocean. Sir Kyle explored the surrounding area of Karma before returning to protect his charge and tell his brother what he discovered, finding easy trade with the peaceful towns around, but unsure of how to accept these new surroundings.
Nightfyre Blades: Sir Kyle wields Navingar, the Sword of Darkness, and Rhaedynai, the Blade of Soaring Flame. These twin magical, bonded swords are passed down to Nightfyre Castle’s Knight of Swords, Sir Kyle being the current holder of that title. When attuned, these swords cannot be disarmed from their wielder.

The Sundering is an insultingly inclusive fantasy world with intricate politics, economics and of course adventure. One of the very few Black-owned offerings in the Fifth Edition TTRPG space, this work was created by Hannibal Tabu and Damion Poitier and published by Laguna Studios.
Artwork by Moonie and Quinn McGowan.