The Most Important Thing (a while ago)!

Talking About Fight Club

Whew -- crazy days, right? Okay, let's get caught up ...

By now, you should have Waso: Gathering Wind, Watson and Holmes, Volume 2 and Executive Assistant Iris Sourcebook, which came out December 8, December 10 and January 27th respectively. If you missed my San Francisco panel at the Black Comix Arts Festival, the video and slides are posted on The David Blake Rule page.

That's all old business.

Versus is back, "who'd win" styled battles between comic book characters set in a courtroom-styled setting.

The panel is confirmed for Long Beach Comic Expo, Saturday February 20 at 12:30 in Rumble ROom 24B. That's happening and you should be there if you can.

We'll hear back on March 11th about having Versus hit Wondercon. Please watch this space for that. "Signs Point To Yes."

(not final cover art)

Signs also point to "yes" for a May release of Soulfire: Protector of the Light from Aspen Comics, a prose novella set in the modern era focused on the magical exile Grace. The plan is to release it in conjunction with Free Comic Book Day somehow, but I'm still hazy on the details because that's not my department -- they want me to write!

That's all the news that's fit to print for now.

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