The Most Important Thing Right Now!
Shall We Play A Game?
The last time you checked in with your man, it was looking a little rough ... BUT WHAT A WAY TO RALLY IN THE SECOND HALF, BABY!
THE SUNDERING (Unlikely Heroes Studios)
With the direction of actor Damion Poitier (Avengers, Captain America: Civil War, Chains in the Payday games) and the makers of Super! and The Surgeon join me in bringing a diverse all-new campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition.

When Damion Poitier, Unlikely Heroes Studios and I got together to do a Kickstarter, we'd seen successes in other realms and hoped we could do a little of that business, setting what we felt was a robust $12,000 goal for our crowdfunding efforts.
Now, fifty-four thousand dollars later, we've received praise from the creator of Eberron, an all-world blerd superstar actor and a cast member from Critical Role (who apparently came back from a Twitter hiatus to shout us out).

To say that we're overwhelmed at the welcome and outpouring of love we've received from the TTRPG and DND communities would be a grandiose understatement. I've never seen anything like this, and it's amazing, and we are literally busting our humps to make sure we get this right.
If you're curious, once more for the people in the back: The Zwari Nation has known relative peace for four hundred years under the guidance of the Shining Throne at Het K'aten. Adventurers operate throughout the land under the edict of Orrin the Ashen Angel, the second most powerful god in the world. Six months ago, this stability was shattered when two blades of flames, thousands of feet long, slashed down on the eastern and northern borders of the Nation, shearing it from the side of the continent of Empherial ... and clear off the world of Ghezmaux. In an instant, the Nation was an island in the middle of a vast, unknown ocean and Orrin -- a thousand feet tall -- fell flaming from the skies, smashing into the Sea of Sadness miles away, leaving waves to smash against the cliffs of the nation, thousands of feet above sea level.

With a focus on making sure that every type of person has a seat at the table, The Sundering is a perfect launch pad for any adventures, whether you have new characters or older ones. Did The Nation land on Eberron? Exandria? Drakkenheim? The world where Strahd threatens Borovia? A whole new world no one has ever seen? The dungeon master and players can decide.
There are new subclasses and races that fit in with literally every race and subclass existing in Fifth Edition, The Sundering: The Nation Beneath Our Feet offers intrigues, opportunities, magical surprises and so much more. We're just getting started.
Proposed release date: winter 2022
Again, a huge problem with working in the future is commuting back to the present and realizing I can't tell you most of it. Let's just say you should keep an eye on your screens for the next thing after this book gets turned in.
Thank you for reading, thank you for enjoying and I hope to keep more fun stuff coming your way for a long, long time.