The Most Important Thing Right Now!
Hash Tag Non Stop
"Are you sitting comfortably? Good, then I'll begin ..."

VERSUS: The panel you demanded is back home at Cal State Long Beach's Eagle-Con, happening May 12-14, 2016.
Wanna get warmed up for it? Listen to the version that happened at Long Beach Comic Expo ...
... and of course you can find it (and much more) on the panels page if you're so incined.
ENTER PROJECT: TORRENT You are checking out the one page per week web comic that I'm putting together with my dude Quinn McGowan, right? It's getting intense!
THE NEXT PUBLISHING PROJECT: According to the On Deck Circle, Aspen Universe Sourcebook is hitting retail on July 13th, 2016.
SAN DIEGO ANNOUNCEMENTS: I will be announcing a big new deal with a new publisher I have never worked with before. I'm extremely happy to be ready to bring this to market.
PROSE NOVELLAS: Outlines are in the publisher's hands for two prose novellas for Aspen Comics and I'm hip deep in the outline for the third prose novella for Stranger Comics. Expect at least one, possibly two of those before the end of 2016.