The Most Important Thing Right Now!
Mr. DoItAll
If people are smart, they're staying at home. I haven't needed to buy gas in nine weeks. I've been busy doing some other things though ...
Oh ... before I forget ...
I helped my good friend Marc Bernardin set up The Plague Nerdalogues, a charity effort aimed at COVID-19 relief through No Kid Hungry. Some of your favorite genre actors -- Jonathan Frakes, Tricia Helfer, Phil LaMarr, Brea Grant, Damion Poitier, Geoffrey Thorne and many more -- perform some of the best speeches in genre entertainment. You really have to see Poitier as the Thanos we could have had, it's breathtaking.
I edited and branded all the videos, did the site design, created all the assets, uploaded everything to YouTube, hooked it up to No Kid Hungry via GoFundMe, tested the site, and generally made it happen. It was a true labor of love and I'm enormously proud of this work. If you have the means to donate, you will surely find some amazing performances.
For me, it represents the first time I was mentioned in Variety, so I've got that going for me ...
Of course, the latest issue of Time Corps is available not only for sale wherever you buy digital books, but for free via most public libraries using Hoopla Digital. I put the work where you can enjoy it, so please look for Time Corps.

Oh, this whole post is inspired by Dupre Kelly, formerly known as the emcee Mr. DoItAll from Lords of the Underground. If you don't know his public service in Newark, NJ, he ran for office and when he didn't win, turned to his own non-profit organization to continue to try to improve conditions in his home town. If it don't work, pivot, but keep going. Respect, Brother Kelly.
That's it. That's the post.